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Republic of Moldova Design Report 2019-2020

Moldova’s fourth action plan continues initiatives on access to information and public services and also includes new commitments on the diaspora engagement and extending the network of paralegals. However, many milestones represent routine activities and fall short of transformative potential.…

Indonesia Design Report 2018-2020

Indonesia’s fifth action plan included a range of commitments that aimed to open government in a variety of sectors, with particular focus on information disclosure and data governance. The plan also included five commitments under the open parliament initiative. The…

Latvia Implementation Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment

In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Implementation Report for Latvia's third action plan (2017-2019). The report covers the level of completion and the results of the action plan. In Latvia, the IRM researcher Zinta Miezaine's findings are…

Honduras Design Report 2018-2020 – For Public Comment

En 2020, el Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó el informe de diseño para el cuarto plan de acción de Honduras (2018-2020). Este informe cubre el desarrollo y diseño de sus compromisos. El investigador del…

Albania Design Report 2018-2020

The commitments in Albania’s fourth action plan address public administration reforms that are relevant to the country’s ongoing European Union (EU) integration process. Notable activities include creating an open data portal (Commitment 2) and encouraging citizens to use online platforms…

Open Government Partnership