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Netherlands Action Plan Review 2023–2027

The Netherlands’ fifth action plan focuses on government transparency. In particular, it includes promising efforts to improve government information management and transparency of the central government’s procurement plans. The ambition of the plan could be improved by taking full advantage…

Ghana Action Plan Review 2023-2027 – For Public Comment

In 2024, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Action Plan Review for Ghana's 2023-2027 action plan. The report provides a technical review of the action plan’s characteristics and the strengths and challenges the IRM identifies to inform a stronger…

Georgia Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Georgia’s fifth action plan spans government transparency, open data, and social inclusion. The co-creation process stalled several times and many proposals from civil society were excluded or reduced in scope, resulting in a less ambitious action plan. The reintroduction and passage of the "Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence" in May 2024 has negatively impacted the relationship between the government and civil society, putting Georgia’s continued participation in OGP at risk.

Portugal Action Plan Review 2023-2027

In its third cycle, Portugal opted for a four-year action plan that provides continuity to open government reforms amid changes in the country’s political leadership. Promising commitments seek to better implement access-to-information legislation by enhancing capacity building of public officials, particularly at the local level. Many of the plan’s commitments lack ambition, focusing on ongoing efforts and training public officials. Moving forward, Portugal has the opportunity to revise the plan to strengthen its potential for results, and revitalize the National Network for Open Administration.

Seychelles Action Plan Review 2023–2025

Seychelles’ second action plan indicates a growing open government community coalescing around issues of national importance. The action plan includes ambitious reforms to strengthen public participation in constitutional discussions and fisheries governance. The action plan was designed through a short but collaborative co-creation process and benefits from high-level government support.

Morocco Results Report 2021-2023

Morocco's second action plan achieved modest early results. Notably, digitalization of justice processes and administrative procedures increased transparency and access to key government services. Noteworthy progress was also made to increase access to information across local governments. However, open parliament commitments saw limited progress due the one-year implementation timeline. Reformers continue important work to strengthen inclusivity and collaboration in OGP processes.

Serbia Action Plan Review 2023–2027

Serbia’s fifth action plan includes promising commitments on electronic people’s initiatives and access to environmental data. The level of ambition of the commitments is similar to the previous action plan, with space for setting more rigorous milestones. Since this is…

Brazil Transitional Results Report – For Public Comment

In 2022, the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) published the Transitional Results Report for Brazil's Fourth National Action Plan (2018-2021). This report covers the level of completion and results of the action plan. The report is available below. The public comment…

Open Government Partnership