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OGP Report Card – Colombia (2017)

El segundo plan ha evidenciado un gran avance frente al primero, puesto que se ha dado mayor relevancia a los actores de la sociedad civil, se han vinculado actores de otras esferas del Estado y se ha incrementado el nivel…

OGP Report Card – Brazil (2017)

The diversity of OGP participants in Brazil and the level of collaboration between government and civil society have improved significantly over time. While some commitments have led to major improvements in open government, there is a need for more ambitious…

France Mid-Term Progress Report 2015-2017

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a voluntary international initiative that aims to secure commitments from governments to their citizenry, to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. France began participating in OGP in…

Open Government Partnership