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OGP Community


Faces of Open Government: Diana Nicte Sagastume Paiz

In honor of International Women's Day, Diana Sagastume, Deputy Secretary of the Presidential Secretariat for Women of Guatemala, speaks on the country’s ongoing efforts to address gender-based violence, with a focus on sexual violence and teenage pregnancies.


America Abierta

From November 15-18, 2024, Open Americas, or América Abierta, will bring together renowned international meetings focused on transparency, access to information, and open government.

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Ecuador Says No to Violence and Yes to Transparency

  Violence and corruption are two concepts that have been separated for a long time. According to the 2022 Corruption Perception Index, Ecuador ranked 101 out of 180 countries in terms of corruption. Dialogo Diverso (an organization that promotes the…


Five Asks from Global Coalition for Tech Justice to Big Tech Companies

In 2024, sixty-five general elections will take place all over the world, including India, Mexico, Indonesia, and the United States. In past years, the underinvestment in safeguards by big tech companies could have contributed to allowing for misinformation and disinformation to run rampant and negatively impact democratic outcomes and human rights, with disproportionate harms in global majority countries.


OGP and EITI: A Shared Agenda on Anti-Corruption and the Energy Transition

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) have much in common. These global multi-stakeholder initiatives both aim to deepen open governance and transparency and share a number of strategic and thematic objectives. With more than 30 shared member countries, they offer a powerful platform to drive positive governance outcomes.


Open Contracting: Moving from Transparency to Transformation

In challenging times, the Open Contracting Partnership seeks transformative ideas for open government. They prioritize positive outcomes, combat corruption, and drive impactful initiatives. Join their workshop at the OGP Global Summit in Tallinn to be part of this transformative movement.

FOOG Euskadi Hero

Faces of Open Government: Basque Country

Arantza Otaolea from the Bilbao Women's Council and co-president of OGP Euskadi, and Mikel Barturen from Sareen Sarea, an association that groups the networks of entities of the social sector, are participants in OGP Euskadi's civil society forum. In this interview, they share why citizen participation is fundamental to open government.  

Open Government Partnership