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OGP Community


Independent Evaluation of OGP

In 2019, OGP funders commissioned Oxford Policy Management (OPM) to undertake an independent evaluation of the OGP’s core institutions, and the efforts of the OGP Support Unit (SU) in particular. The evaluation was supported by the British Department for International…

5th National Summit of Culture, Peru

Arts and Culture: The Next Open Government Frontier

You probably don’t associate open government with the arts very often, but they are more connected than you think. Their relationship usually manifests through initiatives...

Episode 2 – story page

Blowing the Whistle on Corruption in Latvia

In this Voices of Open Government episode, we explore the systems in place to safeguard the identities of government employees, activists, civil society organizers and other individuals who blow the whistle on illicit activities.

older professional photographer with cap turned backward and stubbly whiskers squints into viewfinder of large video camera in front of bokeh crowd

Shedding (Sun)Light on Foreign Illiberal Influences

This blog was originally hosted on the National Democratic Institute's website here. Efforts by anti-democratic foreign governments to influence another country’s political landscape are on the rise globally. Through illiberal influence operations or covert actions these governments seek to manipulate…

Rakesh Rajani at the 2019 OGP Global Summit

Faces of Open Government: Rakesh Rajani

As OGP celebrates its 10th anniversary, we sat down with Rakesh Rajani, an open gov advocate who has been involved with OGP since its inception.

Transparency International Lithuania |

Do We Know Who Controls Our State-Owned and Municipality-Owned Enterprises?

Beneficial ownership transparency efforts often focus on large corporations. Learn how Lithuania is exploring the companies closest to the people here.

Faces of Open Gov – Youth Collective

Faces of Open Government: The Open Gov Youth Collective

In celebration of International Youth Day, we sat down with five open government champions from the Open Gov Youth Collective to hear about why engaging youth in open government work is critical for moving the needle towards more transparent, accountable…

Open Government Partnership