OGP Support Unit

Who is Behind Grand Corruption?
Grand corruption often crosses boundaries, relies on complex legal structures to achieve secrecy, and thrives in undemocratic spaces. However, those committing grand corruption would not be able to thrive if they did not have access to the markets of world’s democracies. This is where OGP can help.

Mainstreaming Public Participation: Three Examples from the Field
Democracies are strengthened by providing members of the public regular opportunities to shape decisions, which they can only do if given the regular opportunities to participate in a manner that is taken seriously. This blog covers initiatives to mainstream participation in governance practices.

Cryptocurrency, Virtual Assets, and Open Government
The OGP Support Unit has put together this basic explainer for the Open Government Partnership community and beyond on where, when, and how open government can help to ensure that we apply the rule of law to these new technologies.

Participatory Approaches in Digital Governance: Five Examples from the Field
Public participation is critical for building diverse voices into the governance of digital technologies, ensuring that they are trusted and governed in the interests of everyone. This blog will cover five participatory approaches being used in the complex field of digital governance.

How to Tackle Corruption through the Open Gov Challenge
Learn how the Challenge can advance anti-corruption reforms and what members are doing to raise ambition.

Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group: Impact, Achievements, and Future Directions
Launched in 2019, the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group (or the Leadership Group) set out to advance global policy toward open beneficial ownership (BO) data, and achieve concrete progress by 2023. This summary examines the group's achievements, lessons learned by Open Ownership and the Open Government Partnership from co-convening the group, and future directions to advance BO reform.