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OGP Support Unit

OGP in the Eastern Partnership Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter for updates on OGP's Eastern Partnership Programme - supported by the European Union -  that provides support and resources to reformers in government and civil society across the region, aiming to deepen reforms and advance…

voting in an election

Charting the Course to Strengthen Political Integrity

This analysis was originally published on the Global Data Barometer website here. Governments should serve citizens rather than the other way around. This concept is at the heart of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), an international initiative that brings together more than…


OGP Local Brochure (2021)

Why Local? The OGP process provides a unique space to explore local solutions for global challenges. For example, many OGP Local members use their action plans to localize, advance and implement global efforts like the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Parliamentary Engagement in National OGP Processes: Menu of Options (2024)

This document complements the Memorandum on Parliamentary Engagement, adopted by the OGP Steering Committee in November 2021. It captures the approaches taken by a growing number of OGP members, illustrating how parliaments can participate in OGP and help advance the…


Guidance for OGP Parliamentary Action Plans (2022)

The Memorandum on Parliamentary Engagement adopted by the OGP Steering Committee in November 2021 outlines three models for parliamentary engagement in OGP: direct participation in the national or local OGP process; stand-alone open parliament plans (hereby known as OGP parliamentary…

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Open Government Partnership Welcomes 30 New Local Governments

Today, 30 local governments join OGP, an international partnership that brings together government and civil society organizations to create ambitious reforms to open up governments and better respond to citizens’ needs.


The Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government – 2022 Edition

Evidence continues to show that open government affects people’s lives. But there are still skeptics who are not aware of all the benefits associated with this approach. Use this guide to convince them to take an open government approach when implementing reforms.

Activists standing together in protest picket

Democratic Freedoms Learning Network

Learn about the Democratic Freedoms Learning Network, an informal network of government reformers, civil society advocates, and international partners and others committed to reversing the 15-year trend of declining civic space to share learnings on democratic freedoms and civic space.

Open Government Partnership