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OGP Support Unit


Toyota and the Anti-Democracy Caucus

Last week, Toyota was found to be the largest donor to 37 anti-democratic legislators who voted against certifying the results of the 2020 United States election...


Cracking Co-Creation: The Why, the How and the What

As we mark 10 years since OGP’s founding, making sure 2021 action plans are born out of an inclusive co-creation process and reflect societal needs is as crucial as ever.


OGP as a Key Partner to Implement the Escazu Agreement

We have a unique opportunity. OGP is an excellent, established platform that can be used to implement the principles and obligations in the Escazú Agreement, especially ...

Water CitizENGAGE in Paraguay

Making Waves: Improving Water Governance through Open Government Approaches

Clean and readily available water for all is a human right. Learn how open government approaches can improve accessibility, transparency and government accountability over this precious natural resource.

Diverse team of creative millennial coworkers in a startup brainstorming strategies

OGP’s Approach to Peer Exchange: The Example of Beneficial Ownership

Peer exchange is an essential component of the OGP model. Learn how it can inspire reformers, provide a safe space for discussing common challenges, serve as a platform of joint problem solving, and strengthen the sense of community among reformers.

Open Government Partnership