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OGP Support Unit

IRM Day Georgia Summit

Open Opportunities: Making the Most of 2021 Global Summits

As the world looks to a post-pandemic future, a number of global fora in 2021 offer opportunities to chart the course toward building back better and renewing our democracies.

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Five Ways to Embed Open Gov Values in Online Political Advertising Regulation

In today’s digital age, elections are won, lost and called into question over social media. With little to no system of checks and balances in place for political parties, candidates, online actors and platforms, tech companies can spell out their own rules for political advertising...

SARS Protests

Defending Civic Space: How OGP Can Step Up

There is a major opportunity in 2021 to advance civic space reforms in OGP that go to the heart of some of the democratic backsliding the world has seen in recent years, and to showcase them at the 10th anniversary Global Summit in December of 2021.

Extractives Indonesia –

Four Ways Beneficial Ownership Transparency Can Benefit the Extractive Industries and Beyond

See how OGP members are making progress on beneficial ownership transparency, a key tool for combating tax evasion and stopping illicit financial flows.

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Towards a Summit for Democracy

OGP and partners will share lessons learned from our ongoing work to support democracy worldwide and discuss outcomes and activities to start the pave the way towards a Summit for Democracy. Join us this Friday, April 23.

Renewal launch blog hero

Respond. Recover. Renew.

OGP turns ten in 2021. With more than 4,500 commitments made to date, we have much to celebrate. We are launching Open Renewal in our anniversary year in order to look forward and build on the lessons and accomplishments of the past.

Open Government Partnership