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OGP Support Unit

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Four Ways Beneficial Ownership Transparency Can Benefit the Extractive Industries and Beyond

See how OGP members are making progress on beneficial ownership transparency, a key tool for combating tax evasion and stopping illicit financial flows.

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Towards a Summit for Democracy

OGP and partners will share lessons learned from our ongoing work to support democracy worldwide and discuss outcomes and activities to start the pave the way towards a Summit for Democracy. Join us this Friday, April 23.

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Respond. Recover. Renew.

OGP turns ten in 2021. With more than 4,500 commitments made to date, we have much to celebrate. We are launching Open Renewal in our anniversary year in order to look forward and build on the lessons and accomplishments of the past.

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Actions to Tackle Corruption

Corruption continues to undermine democratic institutions worldwide. Without strong commitments focused on political integrity, achieving OGP’s partnership-wide goals of economic recovery, tackling systemic inequalities, safeguarding threats to democracy, and having a more citizen-centered democracy will be even more difficult.

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Actions to Protect and Enhance Civic Space

Enhancing and protecting civic space is vital to achieving OGP’s bold goals of accelerating economic recovery, tackling systemic inequalities, and building resilient and citizen-centered democracies.

Open Government Partnership