Sweden – Under Review Letter – February 2021
Earlier correspondence: Sweden – Notification of Late Action Plan (Cohort Shift) – January 2019
Earlier correspondence: Sweden – Notification of Late Action Plan (Cohort Shift) – January 2019
Earlier correspondence: Norway – Notification of Late Action Plan (Cohort Shift) – January 2019
Earlier correspondence: Greece – Notification of Late Action Plan (Cohort Shift) – January 2019
Other correspondence: United Kingdom - Contrary to Process Letter - August 2022 United Kingdom – Response to Under Review Letter – March 2021 United Kingdom – Julia Lopez – Acting Contrary to Process Letter – February 10, 2021 United Kingdom…
In 2020, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Open Government Partnership (OGP) launched an innovation challenge to explore how to leverage digital technology to strengthen the monitoring of COVID-19-related spending and improve feedback and grievance redressal mechanisms. We heard…
Corruption is a key obstacle to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the realization of peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. The misuse of funds, the lack of transparency in decision-making, and the impunity that usually accompanies corruption weakens the…
We are pleased to announce that the Republic of Korea will host the 2021 Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit in Seoul and virtually from December 13-17, 2021. The 2021 OGP Global Summit will mark OGP's 10th anniversary and will…
Growing debt over the last two decades has left many resource-rich African countries on the verge of debt crises. Read how open government approaches can help.
El endeudamiento de los países, acrecentado en las últimas dos décadas, ha dejado a muchos países africanos ricos en recursos al borde de una crisis de endeudamiento. Desde principios de los años 2000, los países africanos han adquirido cada vez…
The nation and the world breathed a giant sigh of relief as Joe Biden assumed the Presidency declaring “Democracy has prevailed.” Despite months of disinformation, culminating in the dangerous attempted coup, America weathered attacks on its most sacred foundation: the ballot box.
La nación y todo el mundo respiraron con alivio cuando Joe Biden asumió la presidencia, declarando que “la democracia prevaleció”. A pesar de los meses en los que imperó la desinformación y que terminaron con intento de golpe de Estado, Estados Unidos sobrevivió a los ataques a su fundamento más sagrado: las urnas electorales.
To save democracy at home, and build a stronger global coalition of democractic allies, the financing for authoritarianism must be made ever harder. Only a strong, diverse coalition of countries and civil society champions, with renewed US engagement, can achieve that goal.
Para salvar a la democracia en casa y establecer una coalición global de aliados en la democracia, deberá limitarse al máximo el financiamiento al autoritarismo. Ese objetivo se podrá lograr solamente a través de una coalición diversa de países y líderes de la sociedad civil con un liderazgo renovado por parte de Estados Unidos.
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