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America Abierta 2024 Mission OGP hero

América Abierta 2024: Sobre Misión OGP

Durante América Abierta, ¡únete a “Misión OGP”, una competencia interactiva en la que podrás demostrar tus conocimientos sobre gobierno abierto y ganar premios!


Our Common Interest: Global Gateway Needs a Democracy Boost

The mission letter of Commissioner-designate Jozef Síkela (International Partnerships) emphasizes infrastructure investment, trade, and macro-economic support, including through Global Gateway. This flagship initiative aims to compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Ahead of the Commissioner-designate hearings this week, however,…

Open Government Partnership – South Korea – November 2021

OGP Educational Resources

This page is a curated list of OGP resources that educators use to teach about open government or that may be useful for open government.

Open Government Partnership