Co-Chairing the Open Government Partnership—What is it Like, Really?
Blair Glencorse shares insights from his tenure as OGP Civil Society Co-Chair, highlighting a year of ambitious goals, transformative initiatives, and lessons learned.
Blair Glencorse shares insights from his tenure as OGP Civil Society Co-Chair, highlighting a year of ambitious goals, transformative initiatives, and lessons learned.
To mark the International Day for People with Disabilities, Agila Barzdienė and Rugilė Trumpytė discuss how socially responsible procurement is advancing inclusion and accessibility in Lithuania.
It has been a turbulent few months around the world as youth-led protests have roiled countries as diverse as Bangladesh, Kenya, and Nigeria. Much of the analysis of these protests has focused on the perceived and inter-related causes, which include…
The goal of this state-of-the-evidence review is to distinguish and highlight research on topics relevant to legislative transparency and to foster its use by Open Government Partnership (OGP) stakeholders.
The Mainstreaming Participation Accelerator (MPA) is a program for reformers who are currently testing, experimenting, or implementing a public participation program and seeking to mainstream (institutionalize or embed) it as an ongoing government process. Please apply below or share with…
Laura Neuman explores how she’s leveraging the implementation of Right to Information laws to advance government accountability.
In this “year of elections,” more international solidarity is required to ensure information integrity. This blog focuses on five recommendations to advance reform on this topic.
OGP Mongolia POC Bolorsaikhan Badamsambuu reflects on how digital innovation and civic engagement ...
As part of its OGP action plan in 2022, the government of the state of Quintana Roo, CxT, and UnidosMX co-created and implemented a protocol to integrate youth into political life and government decision-making.
Como parte del plan de acción OGP, el gobierno del estado de Quintana Roo CxT y UnidosMX co creamos e implementamos en 2022 un protocolo para integrar a las juventudes en la vida política y en la toma de decisiones gubernamentales.
In recognition of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, we explore ...
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