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Steering Committee

2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidate Video

Blair Glencorse View Blair Glencorse’s application materials for the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee here. For this video, candidates were asked to respond to the following questions: Why do you want to be on the Steering Committee, and what would…

2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidate Video

Zukiswa Kota View Zukiswa Kota’s application materials for the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee here. For this video, candidates were asked to respond to the following questions: Why do you want to be on the Steering Committee, and what would…

2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidate Video

Steph Muchai View Steph Muchai’s application materials for the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee here. For this video, candidates were asked to respond to the following questions: Why do you want to be on the Steering Committee, and what would…

2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidate Video

Kai Klandorf View Kai Klandorf’s application materials for the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee here. For this video, candidates were asked to respond to the following questions: Why do you want to be on the Steering Committee, and what would…

2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidate Video

Juan Carlos Fernandez Andrade View Juan Carlos Fernandez Andrade’s application materials for the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee here. For this video, candidates were asked to respond to the following questions: Why do you want to be on the Steering…

2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Candidate Video

Eduardo Bejar View Eduardo Bejar’s application materials for the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee here. For this video, candidates were asked to respond to the following questions: Why do you want to be on the Steering Committee, and what would…

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