Argentina – Amplifying the Feminist Movement
Argentina: Potenciar el movimiento feminista
2017 – 2019 OGP Action PlanAction plans are at the core of a government’s participation in OGP. They are the product of a co-creation process in which government and civil society jointly develop commitments to open governmen..., CommitmentOGP commitments are promises for reform co-created by governments and civil society and submitted as part of an action plan. Commitments typically include a description of the problem, concrete action... #23
In Argentina, women experience higher unemployment, earn lower salaries for performing the same jobs as men, and do twice the amount of unpaid work as men. [16] These issues motivated protests at Argentina’s National Congress in the early months of 2018. [17] The “Ni Una Menos” (“Not One Less”) movement, which began in 2015, focuses on reproductive rights, gender-based violence, and gender inequality and has forced the government to think about issues that matter to the people. As part of Argentina’s third OGP action plan, the National Women’s Institute worked with a variety of government ministries and civil society organizations to draft a new Plan for Equal Opportunity and Rights Unveiled on March 13, 2018 by President Mauricio Macri. The plan’s 35 proposals focus on three priorities — physical autonomy, financial autonomy and economic empowerment, and gender-based violence — and aim to provide public information about gender equality challenges and policies to address them. [18]
[16] “Argentina Action Plan 2017-2019,” Open Government Partnership, accessed 26 June 2019, .
[17] Isabella Soto, “Women Prepare to Take to Argentina’s Streets,” Buenos Aires Times, 3 March 2018, .
[18] Valentina Iricibar, “Budget Cuts Cast Doubt over Macri’s Vow to Tackle Gender Inequalities,” Buenos Aires Times, 15 December 2018, .
Photo Credit: Instituto Nacional de Las Mujeres, Argentina
Plan de acción 2017 – 2019, compromiso #23
En Argentina, las mujeres enfrentan tasas mayores de desempleo, salarios menores por el mismo trabajo que los hombres y hacen el doble del trabajo no pagado que los hombres. A principios de 2018, esta problemática desató manifestaciones frente al Congreso Nacional de Argentina. El movimiento “Ni una menos” que empezó en 2015 exigía derechos reproductivos, atención a la violencia de género y a la equidad de género e impulsó al gobierno a pensar en los temas que le importan a la gente. Como parte del tercer plan de acción de Argentina, el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres trabajó con diversos ministerios del gobierno y con organizaciones de la sociedad civil para definir un nuevo Plan Nacional de Igualdad de Oportunidades y Derechos, presentado el 13 de marzo de 2018 por el presidente Mauricio Macri. Las 35 propuestas que incluye el plan se enfocan en tres prioridades: autonomía física, autonomía financiera y empoderamiento económico y violencia de género y busca ofrecer información sobre los retos que representa la equidad de género y las políticas que existen para abordarla.
Crédito: Instituto Nacional de Las Mujeres, Argentina
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