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Codes of Practice for Consultations [WEBINAR]

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The Open Government Partnership Networking Mechanism is pleased to start the new year with a Webinar on Codes of Practice for Consultations taking place on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST. We hope you can join us. Please see the details below.

REGISTER for this webinar here:

JOIN the Webinar here (login 5 minutes before the scheduled time):

Date & Time:  Tuesday, January 22, 2013; 10:00 – 11:30 AM Washington DC | 3:00 – 4:30 PM London, UK | 5:00 – 6:30 PM Tallinn, Estonia.

Codes of Practice on Consultations Consultations are key mechanism for involving citizens and stakeholders in policies and services. They are an important part of democratic governance and are in use in many countries around the world. The reasons for conducting consultations vary; for some it is about access to information and power, for some it is about improving the evidence base for policy and for yet others it is about increasing public trust in the decision making process. The way that Consultations are run in many cases fail to achieve these goals,  often being counter-productive. The session will look at how to design consultations in a way which empowers participants, captures valuable new data and increases public trust. This webinar session will look at best practice from the UK, Estonia and elsewhere. Also, participants will share best practices on conducting consultations in the context of the Open Government Partnership. Robust consultations with citizens and civil society is a key requirement for creating OGP national action plans.

Presented by:  Edward Andersson, Involve Urmo Kübar, Network of Estonian-Non Profit organizations Paul Maasen, Independent Civil Society Coordinator, Open Government Partnership

The Open Government Partnership webinar series, hosted by the World Bank Institute, is an initiative of the OGP Networking Mechanism to encourage peer learning and knowledge sharing on critical open government issues among civil society, government, and private sector participants.

Open Government Partnership Networking Mechanism upcoming Webinar Series Event Calendar

The Open Government Partnership Networking Mechanism (run by Global Integrity) with the support of the World Bank Institute are pleased to bring you the following webinar series in the coming months to encourage peer learning and knowledge sharing on critical open government issues among civil society, government, and private sector participants. You are invited to attend and share the information with your colleagues and network members! SAVE THE DATES!

Fiscal Year Title Presenter/Presenters Date Time
2013 Codes of Practice on Public Consultation Edward Andersson (Involve—UK ) and Urmo Kübar (Estonian federation of NGO) January 22, 2013 10:00 -11:00 AM EST
2013 Pro-Active Transparency Helen Darbishire (Access Info Europe) and Kevin Dunion (Executive Director, Center for Freedom of Information, University of Dundee) February 18, 2013 10:00 -11:00 AM EST
2013 E-petitions: A Direct Line to Government? Jennifer Shkabatur (World Bank), Peter Herlihy  (UK Government Digital Service) and Ruth Fox (Hansard Society) March  19 (TBC) 10:00 – 11:00AM EST
2013 Citizen Engagement on Law Making Andrew Mandelbaum (NDI) and Cristiano Faria (Brazil) April 25, 2013 10:00 – 11:00AM
2013 Assets Disclosure Ivana Rossi (World Bank) May (TBC)  
2013 Open Government Data Initiatives Jennifer Shkabatur (World Bank) June (TBC)  
Open Government Partnership