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Communique from the Open Government Partnership African Points of Contact Meeting

African POCs organized a meeting after the OGP Steering Committee Meeting in South Africa on 23 – 24 July. The following communiqué was agreed:


1. On 23 – 24 July 2015, we the African Focal Points to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) representing the governments of Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Tanzania participated in an OGP African Points of Contact Meeting at Irene Country Lodge, Centurion, in South Africa.

2. As signatories to the Open Government Partnership, we acknowledge and understand that for the continent of Africa to be successful in the implementation of the Partnership we need to be united and work collaboratively on the processes of the mechanism.

3. We recognize that congregating from similar backgrounds, we stand to gain extensively from active engagement as peers and that we can learn significantly from each other’s experience.

4. We therefore on this day establish an African Points of Contact structure that will also serve as a support base to other African countries who intend to join the Open Government Partnership.

5. For the leadership of the structure, we select the Focal Point of the government of Liberia to serve as the Lead Chair, and the government of South Africa as Deputy Chair also responsible for Secretariat services.

6. We conclude our deliberations committing ourselves to work in co-operation, collaboratively and to build a partnership that will enhance and support our declaration to uphold the values and principles of the Open Government Partnership.


Issued by the Open Government Partnership African Points of Contact

For more information contact:

Qinisile Delwa, OGP Focal Point for South Africa on 082 312 8572


Photo: Flickr Creative Commons

Filed Under: OGP News
Open Government Partnership