e-DIRAP Open Government Google+ Hangout
e-DIRAP organized a Google+ Hangout on the topic of Open Government on Thursday, 25 July 2013 at UTC/GMT 04:30-05:30.
This Hangout brought together professionals from government, civil society, academia and the private sectorGovernments are working to open private sector practices as well — including through beneficial ownership transparency, open contracting, and regulating environmental standards. Technical specificat... to discuss issues related to open government in Asia and the Pacific. The purpose of the Hangout was to:
- Understand the multiple dimensions of open government
- Get an update on open government trends and initiatives in Asia and the Pacific
- Discuss the processes, dynamics and hurdles that need to be overcome to bring about change and a more open government
The panelists were:
- Danny Butt, Research Fellow in Participatory Public Space, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Sunil Abraham, Executive Director, Centre for Internet and Society, India
- Venkatesh Hariharan, Director, Knowledge Commons, India (previously, Head of Public Policy at Google India)
- Maryati Abdullah, National Coordinator, Publish What You Pay, Indonesia (also Steering Committee Member of Open Government Partnership)
- Tomoaki Watanabe, Executive Research Fellow, Centre for Global Communications, International University of Japan (also Executive Director of Common Sphere – the host of Creative Commons Japan, and Co-founder of Open Knowledge Foundation Japan)
- Shita Laksmi, Program Manager, Southeast Asia Technology and Transparency Initiative, Hivos Regional Office Southeast Asia
- Alvin B. Marcelo, Co-chair, Asia eHealth Information Network
- Moderator: Khairil Yusof, Co-founder, Sinar Project, Malaysia (also e-DIRAP team member)
Please watch the full hangout on YouTube or below: