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Indonesia: First ASEAN Country to become EITI Compliant

Dyah Ayunico Ramadhani|

On 15th October 2014, the International EITI Board declared Indonesia ‘EITI compliant’ during a board meeting in Naypyitaw, Myanmar. Indonesia, which just ended its OGP lead chairmanship last September, is the first ASEAN country that holds a compliant status. 

Through a Presidential Decree (No. 26/2010) on Transparency of National and Local Revenues from Extractive Industry, Indonesia adopted EITI and became a candidate later that year. Since then, there have been two reports published on Indonesia covering 2009 – 2011 financial years, which are accessible in EITI website.

On the EITI website Clare Short, Chair of the EITI, is quoted as saying:

By reaching compliance, Indonesia has shown the world that also a country with a large and complex natural resource sector can be transparent about its resource revenues. What Indonesia EITI has achieved is no small feat. I look forward to seeing how the country continues to make use of its EITI to embed transparency into its government systems and to ensure that natural resources benefit its citizens.

The Indonesian government has, and will continue to, consistently work together with CSOs in achieving higher transparency within the extractive industry. As part of the Open Government Indonesia team, we are thrilled about this advancement in transparency and will continue to push forward for more transparency and accountability across various industries. 

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