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Letters Sent to Countries Encouraging Submission of Action Plans

Open Government Partnership|

Every two years OGP participating countries are required to submit new National Action Plans (NAPs) which are co-created with civil society. This year’s NAPs were due by the end of June, and thus far 14 of the countries that were due have done so (Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Ghana, Hungary, Israel, Liberia, Malta, Panama, Peru, Philippines, and the United States). These are on the OGP website on the relevant country page.

According to OGP rules, countries more than four months late in submitting their NAP will be considered acting contrary to OGP process for that action plan cycle. The Support Unit is now publishing the letters sent to countries whose plans were due by the end of June, 2015, but have not yet submitted them. The notification from the Support Unit encourages countries to complete their new NAP soon in order to fully re-engage in the OGP process.

This year, Bosnia and Herzegovina received a letter because they have not submitted their NAP within four months of the due date. In addition, three countries received letters for the second consecutive action plan cycle (for a blog post and copies of past letters, click here). These countries will now be referred to the Criteria and Standards Subcommittee:

The Support Unit encourages government and civil society engaged in the OGP process in these countries to move swiftly in completing new NAPs and implementing open government reforms.

Filed Under: OGP News
Open Government Partnership