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New This Month: The OGP Gazette

Open Government Partnership|

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In an effort to be more transparent and keep you informed, OGP is introducing the OGP Gazette. This will provide you monthly updates on official happenings in OGP.

Who it is for

The OGP Newsletter is about bringing you fresh and exciting stories of open government. The Gazette is different. Not that it won’t be exciting, but it is really for the insider who wants to know the rules and the current opportunities to collaborate with the OGP. (For the extreme fans of public administration, this is simply OGP’s official register or gazette, which most of your countries publish on a daily basis.)

A short, and certainly incomplete list of who we think will be interested:

  • Government points of contact;

  • Activists, nonprofits, and citizens who want to know the rules and obligations of OGP;

  • Colleagues in multilateral or bilateral aid agencies looking to strategically time technical assistance;

  • People involved in national level OGP dialogues;

  • Current or aspiring OGP steering committee members.

What it contains

Each month the Gazette will provide the updates you need to make the most of OGP:

  • Where we are in the action plan calendar;

  • Any changes to official rules or supplemental documents;

  • Announcements of reports;

  • Open and filled positions (employment, IRM researcher position, and changes in Government Points of Contact);

  • Open calls for proposals.

How to subscribe or unsubscribe

To subscribe to the OGP Gazette, all you have to do is visit our website and enter your email address. You will have the opportunity to update your subscription preferences with every Gazette edition.

Filed Under: OGP News
Open Government Partnership