OGP Local: New Plans, New Commitments
OGP Local: Nuevos planes, nuevos compromisos
This blog was updated on 13 October 2021.
OGP Local is now more flexible, sustainable, inclusive and innovative than ever before. Since welcoming 56 new local members in 2020 we’ve received 35 new action plans with over 120 new commitments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, local members had to work through challenging conditions to bring together citizens, community groups, civil society organizations, government institutions, and academia to co-create their action plans. Despite this, members safely held 450 meetings, most of them online. Looking forward, new and pioneer members are planning to engage more than 900 people inside and outside of government to implement these commitments.
When it comes to these action plans and commitments reviewed and tagged by OGP, just over one third (see graph below) focus on strengthening public participationGiving citizens opportunities to provide input into government decision-making leads to more effective governance, improved public service delivery, and more equitable outcomes. Technical specificatio..., showing the will of local jurisdictions to work with citizens on a variety of topics like climate change, educationAccountability within the public education system is key to improving outcomes and attainment, and accountability is nearly impossible without transparent policies and opportunities for participation ..., health as well as infrastructure and transportation.
Engaging marginalized communities including persons with disabilities, women, and youthRecognizing that investing in youth means investing in a better future, OGP participating governments are creating meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in government processes. Technical ... More, using open dataBy opening up data and making it sharable and reusable, governments can enable informed debate, better decision making, and the development of innovative new services. Technical specifications: Polici... to tackle some pressing issues such as climate change or ensuring an open response to COVID-19 and improving public services like health and nutritionPublishing health-related data and involving citizens in the creation of policy are key to increasing health outcomes and building strong, effective health systems. Technical specifications: Cover pub..., education, and water and sanitationOGP participating governments are in a unique position to address many of the root causes of water issues, including corruption and poor quality, as well as lack of prioritization, access, equity, and... were also popular themes.

Proportion of tagged commitments by policy area. Graph created by Open Government PartnershipThe Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on improving government transparency, ensuring opportunities for citizen participation in public matters, and strengthen... More based on data as of 13 September, 2021.
By the end of this year, we expect a total of 65 new action plans but in the meantime, we invite you to check out the new action plans and commitments to see what the new generation of open government champions are up to.
As OGP marks its 10th anniversary, we are reminded of the optimism and energyEnsuring universal access to sustainable, dependable, and affordable energy is critical to every aspect of prosperity. Increasing public oversight and transparency in the energy sector can help to ens... More reformers in and outside of government harnessed when they launched the Partnership. OGP Local provides a platform to collaborate, to learn from each other, and to co-create solutions together to meet the unprecedented challenges ahead. At the upcoming OGP Global Summit in Seoul and online, we will look at some of the commitments reformers at the local level are championing to build more transparent, inclusive, participatory, and accountable governments.
- Abuja, Nigeria
- Akhaltsikhe, Georgia
- Banggai, Indonesia
- Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
- Basque Country, Spain
- Bogotá, Colombia
- Brebes, Indonesia
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Córdoba (Province), Argentina
- Córdoba (City), Argentina
- El Kef, Tunisia
- Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Gwangju, South Korea
- Khoni, Georgia
- Makueni, Kenya
- Mendoza, Argentina
- Nandi, Kenya
- Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
- Ontario, Canada
- Osasco, Brazil
- Ozurgeti, Georgia
- Plateau, Nigeria
- Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador
- Regueb, Tunisia
- Rosario, Argentina
- Santa Catarina, Brazil
- São Paulo, Brazil
- Semarang, Indonesia
- Shama, Ghana
- South Cotabato, Philippines
- Tangier – Tetouan – Al-Hoceima, Morocco
- Tirana, Albania
- Vinnytsia, Ukraine
- West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
- West Sumbawa, Indonesia
Hoy, OGP Local es más flexible, sostenible, incluyente e innovador que nunca. Desde la incorporación de 56 miembros nuevos en 2020, hemos recibido 30 nuevos planes de acción que incluyen más de 100 compromisos. Debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, los miembros locales han enfrentado retos en el proceso de reunir a la ciudadanía, grupos comunitarios, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, instituciones de gobierno y académicas para la cocreación de sus planes de acción. A pesar de estos retos, los miembros han organizado 450 reuniones, la mayoría de ellas en formato virtual. En el futuro, los pioneros y los nuevos miembros están planeando trabajar con más de 900 personas de dentro y fuera de sus gobiernos para la implementación de estos compromisos.
En lo que respecta al contenido de estos planes de acción, de los que OGP ha revisado y etiquetado, un poco más de una tercera parte (ver la gráfica a continuación) se enfocan en fortalecer la participación ciudadana y en demostrar la voluntad de las jurisdicciones locales en trabajar con la ciudadanía en temas como cambio climático, educación, salud, infraestructura y transporte.
Otros temas comunes fueron compromisos para involucrar a comunidades marginadas como las personas con discapacidades, mujeres y jóvenes, el uso de datos abiertos para atender temas urgentes como el cambio climático o asegurar una respuesta abierta al COVID-19 y mejorar los servicios públicos como la salud y nutrición, educación, agua y saneamiento.

Proporción de los compromisos evaluados por área de política. Gráfica elaborada por la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto a partir de los datos disponibles al 13 de septiembre de 2021.
Para finales de este año, esperamos haber recibido un total de 65 nuevos planes de acción. Por lo pronto, te invitamos a revisar los nuevos planes y compromisos y a enterarte de los proyectos que están impulsando la nueva generación de líderes de gobierno abierto.
En el décimo aniversario de OGP, recordamos el optimismo y la energía de los reformadores de dentro y fuera del gobierno de cuando se lanzó la Alianza. OGP Local es una plataforma para colaborar, aprender y cocrear soluciones para atender los grandes retos que enfrentamos. En la próxima Cumbre Global de OGP de Seúl y en línea estaremos analizando algunos de los compromisos que los reformadores locales están impulsando para crear gobiernos más transparentes, incluyentes, participativos y responsables.
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Ahmad Fahim Faizyar Reply
Hard work of our colleagues in local OGP to be appreciated