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Open Gov Challenge: Chile

Implement the National Public Integrity Strategy (ENIP)

What’s the issue? The need for greater transparency and trust are key issues for Chileans, especially following high-profile corruption cases in the country over the last decade.

What’s the plan? The government committed to implementing a national public integrity strategy (Estrategia Nacional de Integridad Pública or ENIP) to increase trust in the country’s institutions and fight corruption.

The government co-created the strategy with a gender lens through a series of multi-stakeholder consultations and workshops. ENIP contains 210 measures to combat corruption, including in areas such as beneficial ownership transparency, conflicts of interest, political integrity, and public procurement.

Why is this ambitious? This national-level strategy aims to improve coordination across government to implement key anti-corruption policies through a set of comprehensive actions identified by the public as priorities, with a built-in monitoring mechanism for its implementation.

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