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Open Gov Challenge: Colombia

Open, Accessible, and Inclusive Court Rulings

What’s the issue? This commitment aims to ensure the public can understand what the Constitutional Court does and how its rulings can help protect their rights.

What’s the plan? The Judiciary committed to increasing the public’s understanding of the Constitutional Court’s work, with a focus on youth and various Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities. This includes consulting the public on which judicial decisions to translate to plain language, publishing children’s books on their constitutional rights, translating court decisions on ethnic group protections into native languages, and publishing court rulings online for public scrutiny.

Why is this ambitious? This commitment uses open justice approaches to increase understanding of what the Constitutional Court does, especially among vulnerable groups, and to encourage the use of data related to the court’s rulings.

Comments (1)

Nilza María Pantoja Agreda Reply

Cordial saludo:
Mi nombre es Nilza pantoja, soy del departamento de Nariño en Colombia, he trabajado durante varios años articulando los niveles de gobierno y estos con organizaciones internacionales, me interesa muchisimo vincularme con su uorganización. Vivo en una región muy compleja que como digo a vecces le cuesta respirar por todas sus complejidaddes, sin embargo…vale la pena luchar por su gente.
Mi link de información en Linkedln:

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