Open Gov Challenge: Costa Rica
Strategy to Reduce the Judicial Backlog
What’s the issue? Currently, there are delays in judicial processes and a lack of awareness among the public about how the judicial system works. The court case backlog is one such problem.
What’s the plan? The JudiciaryWhile a majority of open government reforms occur within the executive branch, OGP members are increasingly taking on commitments to increase the openness of the judicial branch. Technical specificati... committed to reducing the backlog by publishing all court case data on a centralized platform. This will allow the public to monitor progress.
Why is this ambitious? By opening case backlog data, this commitmentOGP commitments are promises for reform co-created by governments and civil society and submitted as part of an action plan. Commitments typically include a description of the problem, concrete action... can increase the public’s understanding of the judicial system and allow them to monitor progress, which are key elements to advancing open justiceAn open, independent, and impartial justice system serves as a foundation for better access to justice by fulfilling all people’s civil liberties and allowing individuals to more effectively protect....
Learn more about the commitment from Daniella Guevara Walker in Costa Rica’s Judicial Branch.
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