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New Plan, New Site

It was a cold gray day in late 2015 when OGP was forced to admit that their website, recently spit-polished but basically held together with bubble gum and paper clips and strength of will, had to go... Some time later...…

Un nuevo plan, un nuevo sitio

Era un día nublado de finales de 2015 cuando OGP tuvo que admitir que su sitio web que acababan de pulir, pero que en pocas palabras se sostenía con clips y con la voluntad del equipo, tenía que renovarse… Tiempo…

Is Nigeria still “Fantastically Corrupt”?

Originally posted on Medium. It has been a year since former British Prime Minister David Cameron hosted what many described as a landmark anti-corruption summit in London. Political leaders in attendance committed to make uncovering corruption wherever it exists a…

An Open Government Needs Access to Justice

Without effective access to justice and legal empowerment, no country can realize meaningful transparency, accountability and citizen participation.  Increasingly, Open Government Partnership (OGP) members are acknowledging the fundamental links between access to justice and open government, and are using OGP…

Open government = open data + open people?

Many governments, international agencies and civil society organisations support and promote open data. The Open Government Declaration states that “people all around the world are demanding more openness in government”. But what kind of openness and what kind of open…

Open Government Partnership