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There is no open government without a free press

The statistics are frightening: According to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer, trust in media stands at 43% - an all time low in 17 countries. Gallup reported in September that Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report…

Introducing the Government Point of Contact Manual 3.0

Version en español »   It is my distinct pleasure to present to the OGP community the Government Points of Contact (POC) Manual 3.0 (Spanish). This is the third iteration of the guidance materials for government officials that the Support…

Taking the Pain Out of Public Procurement

Originally posted on the B-Team blog. Metro Cash & Carry is one of the world’s leading self-service wholesale companies – selling food and non-food products to businesses and governments. In the past, MC&C’s Ukrainian branch would turn down potential business…

Open Government Partnership