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Edmonton, Alberta: Canada’s Open Data Capital

Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and citizens. This…

Participatory Budgeting and Citizen Engagement at the Local Level

Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and citizens.…

SDG 16 Data Initiative – Making them Count

Using indicators and data to strengthen accountability for the SDGs Summary note of consultation workshop[1]This note draws upon a consultation on 6 December 2016, which focused on whether and how the indicators and data linked to the Sustainable Development Goals…

Canada’s National Security and the False Promise of Transparency

Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and…

The Importance of a Critical Approach to Open Data

Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and citizens.…

¿Qué es y qué se entiende por Gobierno Abierto?

Análisis de la percepción e implementación de Gobierno Abierto en el ámbito local español. Investigadores de NovaGob.Lab y el Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid realizaron el primer estudio sobre la percepción e implantación del Gobierno…

Open Government Partnership