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The Future of Open Government

If the last five years of the open government movement has seen a huge amount of activity - including the creation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), and the rapid development of the open data agenda - how will we…

Open Government means becoming better at governing

On December 7, 2016, the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Thomas de Maizière, announced the beginning of Germany’s participation in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). We are very glad to be part of this initiative and we are looking…

Global open parliament community prepares for a productive 2017

This post originally appeared on the NDI - DemocracyWorks and OpeningParliament blogs. Since its launch in 2011, many have urged the Open Government Partnership (OGP) to expand beyond narrow definitions of the term “government.” Legislators, mayors, and others argued that…

Open Government matters more than ever. Here’s 5 reasons why

This post originally appeared on Medium. The main hall at Palais d’Iena was a hive of activity during OGP16 in Paris.. Credit: Evan Abramson At the end of a dark year, a remarkable community of people from diverse sectors gathered in Paris…

Tanzania at #OGP16: Video Highlights

At the OGP Summit in Paris in December, participating country Tanzania asked a media crew, from Tanzania, to film events and people of special interest to their country. A number of blogs, articles, photos and videos have emerged and are…

Morocco opendata visualization engine

Open Data enables governments, businesses and entrepreneurs around the world to act as a catalyst and tool for social and economic change in diverse sectors. In Morocco in order to realize the  full potential of Open Data, a Civic Tech…

Value for money: Costing Open Government reforms

This post originally appeared on the World Bank website. How can governments ensure that they get their money’s worth when they embrace open government reforms?   Ongoing research suggests that open government reforms—those that promote transparency, participation, and accountability—may lead…

OGP in the News – #OGP16 Global Summit 2016 Edition

Summit Recap 2016 came to an impressive close for OGP with the 4th Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Paris from December 7-9, which attracted significant interest from media around the world. Set to a backdrop of concerning geopolitical developments…

Leave no trace? How to combat off the record government

This post originally appeared on the Progressive-Economy@TASC blog. When we think of government record keeping it often conjures up images of dusty archives stuffed with crumbling paper documents.  While historical archives are a rich part of our cultural heritage, there are…

Open Government Partnership