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The Future of Open Government

This blog post originally appeared on The Huffington Post. More than 4,000 people gathered in Paris from 7-9th December for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit 2016 hosted by the Government of France. OGP is a unique partnership dedicated to making…

Open government reformers warn of growing dangers to democracy

This post originally appeared on the Sunlight Foundation blog.Democracy is at risk. Authoritarianism is rising. Populism is upending the political order. Spaces for civil society are closing. Those are the somber messages that arose again and again at the first…

Les villes intègrent l’Open Government Partnership

English Version » Une petite révolution démocratique est en marche. Certains d’entre vous connaissent déjà l’Open Government Partnership (OGP), cette organisation d’Etats et de représentants de la société civile effectuant un travail remarquable pour faire progresser la transparence de l'action…

Open Government Partnership