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How about defining Open Government principles?

Version en español » Versão em Português » Open government has many definitions. By articulating transparency, social participation, accountability and technological innovation, this concept and its practice has been increasingly prominent in the public policy agenda. The richness of interpretations…

¿Qué tal definir principios de gobierno abierto?

English Version » Versão em Português » Gobierno abierto tiene varias definiciones, como transparencia, participación social, rendición de cuentas (accountability) y la innovación tecnológica. El concepto y la práctica ha ganado cada vez más, en la agenda de las políticas…

Que tal definirmos princípios de governo aberto?

Version en español » English Version » Governo aberto possui inúmeras definições. Articulando transparência, participação social, accountability (prestação de contas) e inovação tecnológica, esse conceito e sua prática tem ganhado, cada vez mais, destaque na agenda das políticas públicas. A…

Yes by Default

Whether it is a flat “no” or a “no with reasons,” governments typically have this knee jerk reaction whenever presented with new ideas. This mentality is what stifles progress and makes it extraordinarily frustrating for change-makers both inside and outside…

Measuring Open Government – Critically reviewing OGP’s footprint

Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and citizens. This…

Open Government Partnership