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Connecting the Dots

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative stands as an important opportunity for the advancement of open government data, domestically. After celebrating its first five years, the OGP can redirect its focus from the cementing of its own processes, to driving…

10 takeaways from the 2016 International Open Data Conference

This post originally appeared on the SunlightFoundation blog. Yeama Thompson, commissioner at the Right to Access Information Commission, speaks at IODC 2016.   It's been much more than a century in internet time since the founder of the World Wide Web…

Help improve the OGP’s co-creation guidelines!

Deadline: 7th November 2016 At the heart of the Open Government Partnership is collaboration between government and civil society.  This is reflected in the membership of the OGP’s Steering Committee and the requirement that country National Action Plans are developed…

The Governance Gap: Can we bridge it?

Graphic by Nicholas Nam/World Bank   If you're like me, just watching TV or picking up the paper is a constant reminder of issues related to “governance,” and that's not just because it's also my job. People are not happy…

Featured Commitment – Moldova

Country: Moldova Commitment: Raising awareness of "open data by default" among civil servants National Action Plan: 2014-2015 How is a humble OGP commitment affecting the 2016 presidential race in Moldova? Since it joined in 2012, Moldova has used its OGP…

OGP Steering Committee approves legislative engagement policy

Last week, the OGP Steering Committee formally approved a new parliamentary engagement policy, which more clearly outlines rules for parliamentary participation in the initiative and recognizes the value of legislative engagement in open government reform efforts. A draft version of…

Registro abierto: Cumbre Global de OGP 2016

Del 7 al 9 de diciembre de 2016, Francia organizará la Cumbre Global de la Alianza para el Gobierno abierto en París. Cada año, representantes de gobierno, academia, la sociedad civil, organizaciones multilaterales, medios y otros actores se reúnen en…

Open Government Partnership