Designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit
The process of designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit program will look different from previous OGP events, with a range of opportunities for community input.
The process of designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit program will look different from previous OGP events, with a range of opportunities for community input.
In this episode, Taimar Peterkop shares the history of Estonia's resilience against authoritarianism and its plan to drive open government initiatives at the OGP Global Summit.
In this blog series, we highlight the experiences of several open parliaments around the world. These are institutions that foster transparency, participation, and accountability throughout the legislative process. The Legislature of the Córdoba Province in Argentina is a unicameral legislative…
In this episode, Felipe Pino, an environmental lawyer from Chile, shares his insight environmental democracy, the need for public participation in responding to climate crises, and the significance of the Escazu Agreement.
In April 2010, the Government of Euskadi (Basque Country) Spain launched an open data initiative called Open Data Euskadi. It soon became a reference for many public administrations that were beginning to consider opening their data. Since then a lot…
En abril de 2010, el gobierno de Euskadi (País Vasco) puso en marcha una iniciativa de datos abiertos llamada Open Data Euskadi. Pronto se convirtió en una referencia para muchas administraciones públicas que comenzaban a plantearse la apertura de sus…
Introducing the OGP Data Dashboard - a powerful tool for unlocking evidence and examples in data.
Presentación del panel de datos de OGP: una potente herramienta para descubrir pruebas y ejemplos en los datos.
Migrant populations often face disproportionate obstacles to accessing information and participating in policy-making. Learn how OGP members are working to meaningfully engage migrant communities in their work, and explore recommendations for further impact.
En las últimas décadas, hemos sido testigos de un enorme aumento en los flujos migratorios. En 2020, se estimó que 281 millones de personas vivían fuera de su país de nacimiento, más del doble de lo registrado en 1990. El…
See how OGP members are working to better understand and address the gender-differentiated impacts of algorithms, reduce human biases, and create artificial intelligence programs that are trustworthy, ethical, and inclusive.
En todo el mundo, las instituciones del sector público están explorando cada vez más el uso de algoritmos con el fin de mejorar el diseño de políticas públicas y la toma de decisiones con base en datos. Estos sistemas tienen…
How can governments build a more constructive relationship with civil society? Get started with four steps outlined by OGP members at a recent Democratic Freedoms Learning Network here.
Muchas veces, los gobiernos que quieren establecer una relación más constructiva con la sociedad no saben por dónde empezar. La sociedad civil abarca diferentes tipos de organizaciones, áreas de experiencia y alcances geográficos por lo que puede ser abrumador entender…
For Faces of Open Government, we sit down with two members of The Open Government Leadership Collaborative. See insights on their new year goals in open gov, and how the cohort has helped strengthen their leadership capacities.
Para "Las caras del gobierno abierto", nos sentamos con dos miembros de la Open Government Leadership Collaborative. Descubra sus objetivos para el nuevo año en materia de gobierno abierto y cómo la cohorte les ha ayudado a desarrollar su capacidad de liderazgo.
Pour les visages du gouvernement ouvert, nous nous sommes assis avec deux membres de l'Open Government Leadership Collaborative. Découvrez leurs objectifs pour la nouvelle année en matière de gouvernement ouvert et comment la cohorte a contribué à renforcer leurs capacités de leadership.
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