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Calling All Reformers: Be Part of our #5yearsOGP Video!

ESPAÑOL This September marks OGP’s fifth year anniversary. In just five short years, we’ve grown from being a start-up initiative to a partnership of 70 participating governments and over 2,500 civil society organizations. To celebrate the milestone, we are making…

Featured Commitment – Mongolia

Country: Mongolia Commitment: Improving Environmental Information Access for Citizens National Action Plan: 2014-2016 While Mongolia is a compliant country in the Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI), many agreements and contracts related to natural resources extraction remain closed and inaccessible to…

Opening Government, Opening Minds: Star Reforms of the Open Government Partnership

¿Quieres leer este blog en español? OGP is a global movement of reformers, trying to catalyze innovative ideas to create meaningful reforms. An integral part of this movement is the learning process, where governments, civil society actors, and citizens can…

A Letter to the OGP Community

Dear friends, colleagues and members of the greater OGP community, I began serving as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Open Government Partnership on May 6. It’s been quite a wonderful whirlwind of activity -- these first few weeks have…

Open Government Partnership