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Q&A with Rakesh Rajani “Government is Us”

You were very involved in bringing OGP to life. Are you surprised at how it’s developed? It’s all happened quickly. For several years a motley crew of us worked on the idea of open government, open budgets, open data –…

OGP en África: Compromisos notables

Want to read this blog in English? Están ocurriendo cosas importantes en los países africanos miembros de OGP. Sin embargo, en el reciente informe  de los “compromisos destacados de OGP” (las reformas más ambiciosas de OGP) no se incluyó ningún…

OGP Africa: Commitments to Watch

¿Quieres leer este blog en español? Big things are happening in African OGP countries. Yet, a recent report on OGP’s “starred commitments”--the most ambitious reforms in OGP-- did not feature any African commitments, showing the difficulty of implementation across the continent.…

Impact of open government: Mapping the research landscape

Government reformers and development practitioners in the open government space are experiencing the heady times associated with a newly-defined agenda. The opportunity for innovation and positive change can at times feel boundless. Yet, working in a nascent field also means…

The Partnership Question

¿Quieres leer este blog en español? Close to a thousand delegates from the African continent and beyond are descending on Cape Town for the Open Government Partnership’s (OGP) Africa Regional Summit from 4 - 6 May 2016. At this grand…

Expanding the Reach of OGP in Francophone Africa: Côte D’Ivoire

  Voulez-vous lire ce blog en français? ¿Quieres leer este blog en español? In October 2015, during the Global Summit of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Mexico, Côte d’Ivoire officially became the international initiative’s first sub-Saharan Francophone member. This is…

La cuestión de las alianzas

Want to read this blog in English? Casi mil delegados del continente africano y de otras regiones se reunirán en Ciudad del Cabo para la Reunión Regional de África del 4 al 6 de mayo de 2016. Además de intercambiar…

Apertura legislativa, uno de los mayores éxitos de OGP

Want to read this blog in English? Open Government Partnership (OGP) está posicionada principalmente como una plataforma. Existen pocos lineamientos acerca de lo que los países miembros deben hacer, además de cumplir con los requisitos iniciales y de crear un…

Open Government Partnership