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What’s Open Government got to do with Civic Space?

¿Quieres leer este blog en español? Closing civic space is a worrisome trend surfacing across regions. As we sit reading this, civil society activists from Azerbaijan to Turkey, Hungary to Honduras, are facing situations where their freedoms to operate and…

Launch of the 2016 OGP Global Summit

TOWARD A TRANSPARENT AND COLLABORATIVE PUBLIC RELATIONSHIP I am pleased to launch this year’s Open Government Partnership World Summit, and thereby to promote, via means and actions, a more transparent and collaborative public action. An open government is one in…

Legislative openness is one of OGP’s greatest success stories

This piece originally appeared on the blog. ¿Quieres leer este blog en español? The Open Government Partnership (OGP) has always been positioned primarily as a platform. There are few detailed prescriptions of what member countries must do aside from…

Checking in on #OGPprogress

A recap of the recent Independent Reporting Mechanism launches. It's been a busy few months at OGP. With the help of our partners and Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) researchers we've successfully released 36 IRM progress reports! These reports play a…

Challenges to implementing right to information laws in Asia

This blog was originally published on Asian Development Blog.   India.png A government public relations office in Mangalore, India.   In recent years there has been one critical instrument to making governments more responsive to citizens in how they provide…

Featured Commitment – Greece

Country: GreeceCommitment: Open Data for Offshore CompaniesNational Action Plan: 2014-2015 Greece suffers from a massive tax collection and evasion problem. This is due in part to the fact that Greece has a large shadow economy where individuals and corporations earn…

Open Government Partnership