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Indonesia needs better data governance

This piece originally appeared in the Jakarta Post. Data has become an inseparable part of our lives. Without data there would be no quality research, good policies and viable businesses. The annual fiasco concerning forest fires highlights the problem that…


This piece was also posted on the blog We Are Restless. We are very inspired by the ambitious goals of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Among other things, they pledge to ensure that more governments become transparent, accountable, and responsive to…

Una nueva etapa para el Gobierno Abierto en Argentina

La República Argentina ingresó a la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto en noviembre de 2012. Sin embargo, luego de más de 3 años de pertenencia en la OGP, dos planes de acción y tres cambios de gestión dentro de la…

Great ideas for OGP Action Plans: Open contracting

This post is part of a blog series we are running over the next few weeks to highlight core open government issues and give you ideas to consider as you develop your new action plan. Last week we looked at…

Youth Power and why the OGP promise depends on it

The world is currently home to the largest global youth population in history. The biggest mistake we can make is to assume this generation will be the open governance reformers of the future, when they can and must be at…

Open Government Partnership