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Lessons from Lima: What can OGP Learn from EITI?

This piece was also posted on the Natural Resource Governance Institute blog.  Like the Open Government Partnership, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is premised on equal partnership. Full, meaningful participation of independent civil society at both the national and…

Great Ideas for OGP Action Plans: Opening Budgets

This post is part of a blog series we are running over the next few weeks to highlight core open government issues and give you ideas to consider as you develop your new action plan. Last week, we focused on…

Featured Commitment – Georgia

Country: GeorgiaCommitment: Proactive publication of surveillance statistics in GeorgiaNational Action Plan: 2014-2015 To shed light on surveillance activities, the Supreme Court of Georgia started publishing statistics on hearing the motions regarding operative investigative activities, such as phone tapping. Initially, the…

Open Government and Transparency in Mexico’s Extractive Industries

¿Quieres leer este blog en español? The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an international initiative that seeks to increase transparency in relation to the payments made to hydrocarbon and mining companies, as well as the income that governments receive from taxes…

Open Government Partnership