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OGP in 2015

We are pleased to publish OGP's 2015 annual report, authored by staff in the Support Unit and Independent Reporting Mechanism. The report serves to capture a year of activities, and shine a spotlight on some of the most interesting examples of…

Launch of Research Consortium on the Impact of Open Government Processes

Mounting anecdotal evidence supports the case for making open governance processes more transparent, participatory, responsive, and accountable to constituent demands and expectations. Sixty-nine national governments and counting have signed on as members of the Open Government Partnership, committing to rethinking…

OGP Asia Pacific Health Check

Six months ago when I first joined the OGP as the Regional Civil Society Coordinator for Asia Pacific, early conversations with stakeholders in the community led to the identification of four key objectives for the region: broadening the base (both…

Featured Commitment – Chile

Country: ChileCommitment: Strengthening Environmental DemocracyNational Action Plan: 2014-2016 Principle 10 of the Declaration of Rio recognizes that the right to access information, justice and participation in environmental issues is the best way to deal with some of the current environmental…

Rostros del Gobierno Abierto: Suzanne Piotrowski

Want to read this blog in English?Respuestas de Suzanne Piotrowski a las preguntas de Rostros1. ¿Cuál es el mejor ejemplo de gobierno abierto que has visto en Estados Unidos?Es difícil elegir uno solo pero creo que gran parte de las…

Faces of Open Government: Suzanne J. Piotrowski

¿Quieres leer este blog en español?1. What is the best example of Open Government you've seen in the US?It is hard to pick one but I do feel that much of the innovation happening in the US right now is…

¿Cómo y por qué hacer comentarios a los informes de avances del IRM?

Want to read this blog in English?En las siguientes semanas se publicarán 39 informes de avances, los cuales estarán abiertos para recibir retroalimentación por parte del público.Para mayor información sobre los informes y qué podemos aprender de ellos, consulta el…

Open Government Partnership