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New This Month: The OGP Gazette

¿Quieres leer este blog en español? In an effort to be more transparent and keep you informed, OGP is introducing the OGP Gazette. This will provide you monthly updates on official happenings in OGP. Who it is for The OGP…

Opening Up at Davos

The industry titans, heads of state and experts of the moment gathering at Davos this week have no shortage of pressing concerns, be it dipping financial markets, slow growth in China, refugee crises or the state of politics. On the…

Featured Commitment – Brazil

Country: Brazil Commitment: Participatory Audits on the Constructions of Brazilian Host Cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup National Action Plan: 2013-15 !n 2013, in response to widespread social movements and protests, Brazil made a commitment on public integrity in…

Thom Townsend

Faces of Open Government: Thom Townsend

How important is open government to you? It's what makes a democracy work. Democracy shouldn't, and isn't, just about voting every few years, it's about everyday participation and you need an open government to make that feasible. In my day…

ONE’s Follow the Money Website: Showcasing Open Data Success Stories

Central to OGP is the belief that "good ideas come from everywhere" and we at ONE could not agree more. Our Follow the Money website provides a centralized place to highlight stories about how citizens are successfully using open data…

Open Government Partnership