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Looking Back: Why some OGP commitments don’t get implemented

¿Quieres leer este blog en español?Here in the open government community, we talk a lot about "failing forward" or "learning from failure." This is part of what makes working for OGP so great. Governments and civil society can admit momentary…

Making the Case for OGP’s Subnational Push

At the recent Open Government Partnership summit in Mexico City, the OGP steering committee endorsed a new pilot program to bring subnational governments into the Partnership via an experimental two-year pilot program. As OGP steering committee members Manish Bapna, the…

Will the OGP sink or swim? Civic space will be the lifesaver

The Open Government Partnership is just four years old, but already has the potential to help fight against restrictions on civil society space. It will only achieve that, however, if it helps countries develop  commitments that protect civil society and…

Launching the NAP Review: Conclusions

18 months ago we set out to develop a tool for civil society in OGP countries to assess how open and ambitious their governments were being in developing their National Action Plans. After countless drafts of questions and two rounds…

Sanjay Pradhan Tapped to Lead the Open Government Partnership

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is pleased to announce that Sanjay Pradhan has been selected to lead the organization starting mid 2016. The Open Government Partnership was launched by eight Heads of State at the UN General Assembly in 2011,…

Featured Commitment – Ukraine

Country: UkraineCommitment: Regulating Access to Communist-era ArchivesNational Action Plan: 2014-15 Access to the files of the Soviet period secret services and law enforcement agencies remains a sensitive issue. Many of the archives remain closed for researchers or difficult to access.…

Open Government Partnership