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Let’s not miss the Open Government train

Public administration is evolving towards Open Government, a new paradigm that makes use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) but also changes the processes and information management within the public sector in order to bring the government closer to the…

Transforming Open Government through Open Mapping

Open Mapping is transforming how governments and citizens work together by allowing them to co-create and support critical government functions with geographic maps and data. The OGP Summit in Mexico City launched Open Mapping within the partnership with a series…

¡Atención reformistas sub-nacionales!

This call is now closed. For more information and future opportunities, please visit OGP Local. La Alianza para Gobierno Abierto (AGA o OGP, Open Government Partnership) lanza hoy un nuevo programa piloto emocionante para involucrar a los gobiernos sub-nacionales en…

Calling All Subnational Reformers!

This call is now closed. For more information and future opportunities, please visit OGP Local. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is launching an exciting new pilot program designed to more proactively involve subnational governments in the initiative. OGP is a…

Lining up to support the Open Government Partnership

Originally published on the World Bank's Governance for Development blogDaily life in Monrovia, Liberia on December 2, 2014.Photo © Dominic Chavez/World BankThe Open Government Partnership (OGP) just concluded its third Global Summit. Government, civil society, and development partner representatives from…

Faces of Open Government – Gavin Hayman

In this section of the OGP newsletter, we feature individuals from government and civil society, and ask them about their experiences. Here is what Gavin Hayman, Executive Director of the Open Contracting Partnership had to say:1. You left a big…

Looking for your feedback on the Open Government Guide

In 2011, the Transparency and Accountability Initiative worked with more than 20 expert organizations to put together the first Open Government Guide as a a resource for governments and civil society working to improve transparency, accountability and participation in their…

OGP as a platform to build trust and culture of openness in Nepal

In the third week of December, Nepal will be celebrating Open Nepal week, which will focus on the theme of open government this year. The Open Government Partnership (OGP), with its mission of securing concrete commitments from governments to increase…

Open Government Partnership