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Looking for your feedback on the Open Government Guide

In 2011, the Transparency and Accountability Initiative worked with more than 20 expert organizations to put together the first Open Government Guide as a a resource for governments and civil society working to improve transparency, accountability and participation in their…

OGP as a platform to build trust and culture of openness in Nepal

In the third week of December, Nepal will be celebrating Open Nepal week, which will focus on the theme of open government this year. The Open Government Partnership (OGP), with its mission of securing concrete commitments from governments to increase…

Tackling Climate Change Through Budget Transparency

The urgent imperative of tackling climate change is rarely associated with the dry science of budgeting and fiscal policy.  Yet this could dramatically change if the current climate negotiations in Paris that will conclude this week produce a groundbreaking deal. …

Corruption – The Weed of Democratic Development

Corruption is like a weed, strangling democratic development before it can take root and cracking the foundation of democratic institutions. Left untreated; even the strongest institutions topple. Like a weed, why is corruption so difficult to stifle and address?Every year…

Launching the NAP Review: Results

18 months ago we set out to develop a tool for civil society in OGP countries to assess how open and ambitious their governments were being in developing their National Action Plans. After countless drafts of questions and two rounds…

Opening Government through Business in Pakistan

“We support open government not just because it is good for business but because is central to human rights and dignity” concluded a leading member of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry at the recent Open Government Partnership (OGP)…

Measuring the Impact of OGP

Measuring the Impact of the Open Government Partnership in Member States using an Implementation Size Model This is the final blog in a six blog series written by winners of the IDRC grant for research on OGP. Since 2011, OGP…

What the global open government partnership can do for Africa

South Africa recently took over as chair of the Open Government Partnership. This represents an important opportunity for the country, and Africa. The partnership is a voluntary initiative that aims to promote transparency, public accountability and civic participation in government.…

Open Government Partnership