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Reflecting on the Third OGP Summit

For the past several weeks friends and colleagues have been asking me whether the third global OGP summit held in Mexico City at the end of October was a success. Initially, I was somewhat stumped. When you are on the…

Exploring the role for subnational governments in OGP

On the second day of the OGP Summit in Mexico City I sat on the floor, in the stately ‘town hall’, with a group of people who wanted to talk about how OGP could work with subnational governments, as we…

Dutch Civil Society coalition produces Open Government Manifesto.

‘The government is our common heritage and our common property. We are the ultimate stakeholders and shareholders of that powerful force in the public domain we call government. We elect our representatives in local Councils and Parliament and thereby give…

OGP and the 2030 Agenda: Moving beyond the Joint Declaration

The role of open government in advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was a major theme of the Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Mexico City last month. At the Summit, government and civil society leaders highlighted the opportunity…

It’s Time to Take Environmental Costs Into Account

The dangers of fiscal opacity in the extractive sector are well known: corruption, mismanagement and waste. Resource revenues might be poured into pet projects rather than to where society needs it most, while companies underpay on their taxes. But what…

Open Government, a Catalyst For Democracy

Modern democracy calls for transcending electoral processes and requires the consolidation of state mechanisms that promote transparency, ethics, the right to information and citizen participation. The combination of these principles of open government result in a more efficient, effective and…

Open Government Partnership