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OGPx – Going Local for Global Impact

One of the first letters the Open Government Partnership (OGP) received upon its creation was from a mayor in Colombia, requesting that his city be able to participate in the initiative. But we had to turn him down. At the…


There is a huge amount of talk about a ‘data revolution’. The phrase emerged in the years preceding this September’s announcement of the Sustainable Development or Global Goals, caught on, and has recently been strongly reaffirmed by the launch of…

Abriendo el gobierno: Mexico and beyond

Supporting progress toward open and accountable governance by conducting research, by generating data, by supporting country-level learning and through global advocacy is what we at Global Integrity are all about. So, we’re excited to be joining thousands of open government…

Working together to protect civic space

There can be no doubt that we are witnessing a global trend that devalues and restricts the role civil society can play in building just and equal societies. This trend cuts across categories of wealth, geography, and political system, with…

Open Government Partnership