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Good Governance by All Means

Citizens today have higher expectations and demand effective solutions to every day issues and challenges. From climate change to expedient postal services, governments are required to act with transparency and diligence. Public accountability demands us, public servants, to act with…

Sustainable Development Needs Public Participation

In 2015, a new global development agenda setting priorities for the next fifteen years has been launched. World leaders adopted Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September at the United Nations. These goals represent a commitment…

Government For the People, With the People

For 20 weeks in a row the citizens of Guatemala protested the corruption at the heart of their government, in the heart of their capital. First the vice president, and then the president, were arrested and charged. Now, following elections…

The government can pay for citizen participation

All throughout the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit 2015, which was held in Mexico last October 27-29, I tried to steer discussions around the idea of government financing of citizen participation. I purposely used this opportunity to sound off…

Linida Story, When Villagers Open Up Local Government

Linida, as beautiful it may sound is not somebody’s name, nor a government project. It is a story of people engagement in negotiating their demands to shape the development agenda and improve public services in Batang district, Central Java, Indonesia.…

Open Government Partnership