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More voices mean smarter cities

With the ink barely dry on the Sustainable Development Goals, naturally the just-completed Open Government Partnership annual summit focused on how greater openness can accelerate progress toward the goals.   The open government agenda is most closely linked to the ambitious Goal 16 on…

Welcome Aboard, Papua New Guinea!

Excellent news from Asia Pacific - just announced at the OGP Global Summit in Mexico, Papua New Guinea (PNG) has joined OGP as its 67th member. PNG will work in concert with Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and others to advance the…

OGP to the Next Level: After the Mexico Summit

Alas, it is the final day of OGP’s Third Global Summit in Mexico City and my first OGP summit. I joined the partnership exactly one year ago. As I celebrate my first anniversary I am astounded by what this multi…

Open Government Partnership