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Europe Regional Meeting

Upholding Democratic Values Through Open Government: 12 Highlights from European Champions

Last month open government reformers from across Europe gathered for the OGP Europe Regional Meeting in Rome, Italy to build political support for open government and find solutions to tackle our common regional challenges. Across the two days, this is a summary of what we heard.

Ouiame el M

Faces of Open Government: Ouiame El Moustamide

Ouiame el Moustamide sat down with us to share her insights on the progress Morocco has made so far in OGP and what she hopes the Regional Meeting can accomplish for the open government community in Africa and the Middle East.

America Abierta – OGP Local

From Regional to Local: Local Governments in the Americas

The period between September to November 2022 marks a crucial time for all the members of OGP and the open government community. Here we highlight key moments from Open Americas, hosted by Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on September 26-29. 

Protocol ParlAmericas official group photo

GLOW 2022: Parliaments at the Heart of Open Government Reform

Throughout the week of 17–22 October 2022, the Open Parliament e-Network (OPeN) will host a series of virtual, hybrid, and in-person events worldwide to celebrate the resilience of parliamentary reformers in championing open government values.

Regional Meeting webcard 221006-03

​A Decade of Open Government Reforms in Italy

Italy joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in September 2011. The third largest country in the European Union (EU) by population and economy, Italy had one of the highest rates of corruption perception in the EU, while its access to…

Open Government Partnership