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OGP Government Champions Award Semi-Finalists Announced: Time To Vote!

After receiving several compelling nominations, the judges for the OGP Government Champions Award have selected three semi-finalists for public voting. They are: Georgia: The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) nomination for the Inter-Factional Group of the Parliament of Georgia…

Putting the World on the Right Track: Thoughts from Sweden

In September world leaders adopted new and universal Sustainable Development Goals which set the world on a new pathway. The goals embrace the vision of truly socially, economically and ecologically sustainable societies and offer us unique tools to end extreme…

Open Gov Awards 2015: Revealing this year’s top initiatives

  At OGP, one of the principles guiding our work is that open government reforms should ultimately benefit the lives of the average citizen. This means that while OGP countries can reform public policies and programs to become more open,…

From transparency to accountability?

Assessing how international multi-stakeholder initiatives are contributing to public governanceAdvocates of open government have created a growing number of public governance-oriented multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs).The idea behind these initiatives is to bring reformers together across sectors and national borders, to set…

OGP’s Balkan Declaration: How OGP can support Refugees

Free%20wifi.jpg  Photo by: - Volunteer from Otvorena mreza (Open Network) initiative provides free wifi to the group of refugees in Tovarnik, Croatia, September 20th, 2015.More and more nations are experiencing a refugee crisis, either as countries of transit or…

The Future of OGP: Competition or Cooperation with SDG #16?

This is the first in a six blog series written by winners of the IDRC grant for research on OGP.Just a few weeks ago, 193 countries of the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Members of…

Participation is the Next Transparency Frontier for OGP

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) aims to improve the quality of citizens' lives and their relationship to government. In order to do this, the countries in the Partnership have pledged to work through National Action Plans to improve access to…

Open Government Partnership