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Gobierno inteligente abierto: presente y futuro, mejorados

Tomemos el gobierno abierto en su dimensión tecnológica (es decir, sin considerar los mecanismos de participación y colaboración con interacción tangible, como presupuestos participativos y algunos formatos que pueden resultar híbridos como incubadores cívicos, design thinking ciudadano, etc.). Ahora recuperemos…

100 iniciativas para una Justicia Abierta

A continuación indico aquí la relación de las -en torno a 100-iniciativas analizadas en mi investigación “Justicia Abierta: transparencia y proximidad de la justicia dentro del actual contexto de Open Government“. La idea era examinar iniciativas relacionadas con el concepto…

OGP European Regional Meeting Tbilisi, Georgia

26 POCs on one stage!   Early last month, 26 OGP Points of Contact or POCs, (the people who serve as liaison between their government and the OGP support unit) met for a 2-day regional meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia opened…

Linda Frey’s departure and next steps for OGP

Dear colleagues, As you are likely aware, Linda Frey, the Executive Director of the Open Government Partnership Support Unit, will step down from her role later this year. Linda has accomplished a remarkable amount during her tenure. When she arrived…

CSO Leadership Changes in the OGP Steering Committee

OGP is growing up. At the end of the month, a dozen countries will complete new national action plans, adding to the more than 2,000 commitments already made and many delivered. Several of these countries are embarking on their second…

Open Government Partnership